Mozambique To Launch New Tender For Hydrocarbon Exploration

Home » Mozambique To Launch New Tender For Hydrocarbon Exploration

The Director of Evaluation of the state National Institute of Petroleum Resources, INP , José Branquinhoin has said Mozambique will launch a new tender for the research and exploration of oil and gas.

Branquinho, who is attending a conference in Cape Town, South Africa, reportedly said the institute’s strategy was to launch international tenders every two years.

APA recalled that INP had announced the results of the fifth tender for concession areas for research and production of oil and gas in 11 offshore areas and four onshore areas, which will represent an investment of $700 million over the next four years.

Eni Mozambico S.p.A partnering Sasol Petroleum Mozambique Exploration and Statoil Holding Netherlands BV, received the area of Angoche, A5-A area for a period of four years while Exxon Mobil EP Mozambique Offshore, in partnership with RN-Exploration LLC, Rosneft and Mozambican state oil company ENH received three areas for research and exploration in Angoche district, A5-B area and in the Zambezi Delta, Z5-C and Z5-D area all in Mozambique’s offshore.

Sasol Petroleum Mozambique Exploration Ltd, partnering ENH, received the PT5-C area in Pande/Temane, and Delonex Energy Ltd in partnership with Indian Oil Corporation Ltd, received the P5-A area in Palmeira.

The concession areas on land and at sea cover an area of 74,259 square kilometres

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